Thursday, November 11, 2010

Slow Down

Lately, I've experienced several interruptions to my schedule. Life happens, I know, but it is difficult when you have one plan and that agenda which you believe to be important gets shelved.

Today I experienced yet another interruption to my intentions for the day and the week. It forced me to sit
and do very little. As I sat there I picked up an old journal that was nearby and flipped open to something that I wrote a while back.

It reminded me to slow down. Even stop and relax. It occured to me that the interruptions that have happened lately are probably reminders from God to stop running, slow down and breathe. It is often in those moments that God's love is clear.

The following is what I wrote. I was at a retreat center hanging out with Jesus, sitting on a porch of a cabin named Shalom. Are you rushing? Take a minute. Slow down.

The Porch at Shalom

I'm bundled in a cocoon of warmth
Gazing up through the pine trees' arms.
It too lifts its branches in praise with
The azure blue sky hovering in grace.

It is good to get away and sit on the porch of Shalom.

Colorado forest, blueberry bushes, wild dandelions -
A committee of creativity, whispering Your Majesty.
It's time to watch nature and see Your face.
Just sit and watch on the porch of Shalom.

Restoration, a date with my King,
Time to listen to no one else.
He knows secrets to massaging my soul,
His love soothes the aches. He is the Balm of Gilead.
And He meets me and holds me close
Here on the porch of Shalom.


Momstheword said...

That is wonderful Robbie. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that WE don't come first, HE does.

Robbie Iobst said...

I agree, Maxine. Thank you! :0)