Friday, January 24, 2014

So What ARE You Eating?

When I've told folks I am on a detox from sugar and all grains, they inevitably ask, "So what ARE you eating?"

Guided by Amy Thedinga  I have eated quite well. I have not enjoyed all the prep and cooking I've had to do, but the food itself has been really good, with one or two exceptions.

Here's a sample:

Every morning I've had either a smoothie or a juice. I've started most with some kind of greens, be it spinach, kale or collard greens. I've had all sorts of veggies and fruits and added a bit of almond butter for protein.

HUGE DISCOVERY - Almond Butter - the kind that is just almonds and salt. DELICIOUS!

Snacks: I've had fruits, veggies and almond or peanut butter. I made kale chips once, but I wasn't THAT impressed.

Lunch: Often I've had leftovers from dinner - but I did make a kale/raisin salad that was wonderful, some quinoa/avocado tacos (in lettuce wraps) that I loved and a carrot/apple/pineapple slaw that was WONDERFUL.

Supper: I've had roasted chicken (my first time to roast chicken,) steak and round steak. I've made spinach salad and have had lots of veggie sides - steamed broccoli, boiled carrots, roasted squash, etc.

So overall I have eaten WELL. I am learning. I'm not perfect but I am doing my best to change our family's eating to be more healthy.

MOST of the recipes I've used have been from Amy Thedinga. She has an incredibly smart and good program to get you and your family eating clean. She is going to have an informational meeting next Wednesday, January 29th at 6:30. To get more information email Amy at

Here's to us!

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